It's warm enough to fire up the ol' grill. We've been getting cardinals and bluejays for a while now, and the redbud tree in the backyard is starting to live up to its name again.
There's a nice breeze, and we were able to open the house up today. It's a 43-year-old house, and it of course creaked and groaned all day from the wind whipping around and through it. But today the creaks and groans were like waking from a long, luxurious nap, stretching arms and legs in pleasure.
Two houses down they've restarted the fountain and the artificial stream in their water garden.
I've got some steaks I bought - on sale! - ready to go on the grill. Here in Kansas City we can buy BBQ sauce from our favorite restaurants, and since it's small batch stuff there's no high-fructose corn poison in them. Just tomatos, brown sugar, vinegar, molasses, sometimes cayenne even.
So what I'm saying is that no matter what you're having for dinner, mine is gonna be better.