Paraphrased from one portion of her remarks: "There is not black and white here, the color is green."
As long as Imus makes money for MSNBC and CBS, as long as the elites in DC sell books by going on his show, he will get away with anything he wants.
The same is true, of course, of Coulter, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and all the rest of the vile, hate-spewing bigots and liars that populate right-wing media.
Coach Stringer asked, "do you want
your daughters to be called ho's?" Imus insulted my daughter. Imus called
my daughter a whore, my 5-year-old daughter, for as Coach Stringer said, this isn't about just the women on the Rutgers basketball team, this isn't just about black women, but
all women.
Imus and those who listen to him can go to hell.