My daughter, who is 5 years old, absolutely
cannot have a nap. At all. Yesterday, she was grumpy, talking back and refusing to listen. I knew she was tired; we'd been letting her get to bed a bit later because it's summer vacation and she doesn't have to be at preschool or anything. So I told her that she needed some "room time." She could play, listen to music, do whatever she wanted, but it had to be fairly quiet and up in her room.
This was at 1pm, and in just a few moments I realized that she was asleep. She slept for about one hour. I was worried because she tends to have trouble sleeping when she takes a nap, but not too worried since it was so early in the day and wasn't for 3 hours or something.
My daughter fell asleep, finally, at midnight last night. Midnight. I was actually planning on getting to sleep around 10, so this screwed me up in my plans.
Then my son, my child who clearly values his sleep because he goes to bed at 8pm and doesn't wake up until 8am, decided that
5am would be a
great time to wake up. Finally at 6am I gave him to his mom, and because she needed to get to work, I got him back at 7.
All that to say, I'm tired. I don't feel good. One of the many side effects of taking psycho drugs is that if I don't get a good night's sleep, I'm completely useless. So, see you tomorrow.