Here is our President. This man holds the highest elected office in the land, a position he has held for almost 7 years now. Before that he was a Governor of Texas. You'd think that he would have at least a basic understanding of how our government works.
Especially because he talks about being "Commander-in-Chief" all the time.
Here's the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces speaking today about the situation in Pakistan and his conversation with Perez Musharraf:
"You can't be President and head of the military at the same time." This, my friends, is why I contend that Bush's incompetence and stupidity - let alone the way he has trampled upon the Constitution and broken scores of laws while in office - are such that I owe him absolutely no respect whatsoever, even if he is President. I'm willing to respect a President for whom I did not vote, but this guy is a joke, a sad little man put into office by the GOP's kingmakers, motivated only by his delusions of grandeur.