So I'm in New Mexico for the holiday. It's been surprisingly cloudy, and yesterday it even snowed a bit. It's just a warmup for tomorrow when we start to head back to Kansas City; last year was so bad we headed due east into Texas and went through Wichita Falls to get to Oklahoma City. Normally we head northeast to Amarillo and the panhandle. So we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Word around here is that Udall will win Domenici's Senate seat against Pearce, though he and Wilson will bloody each other up quite a bit in the primary. And no one is taking Marty Chavez very seriously. I'm with Kos on this, I hope he trashes Udall to heaven, hell and back, loses in a landslide and never gets to run for elected office again. I'm sick of bad Democrats.
Oh yeah, I'm in Plateau Espresso again, and it's still the best coffee shop in the world, bar none. I just wish I could pick the whole place up and take it back to Kansas City with me.
I'll get back to regular posting after a while. And there's some fun stuff happening in the background right now that I'll be able to write about further soon.